Friday, June 17, 2011

We Finished the 1800's

We've been doing a History Co-op for the last five years.  
The group has changed in shape and size over the years.  
We started out studying ancient history,
(Bible times, ancient Greece and Rome)
then we moved on to Medieval Times.
We then moved on to a year of the Renaissance and the Reformation.
Last year was World History during the 1700's.

This year we finished the 1800's.
A Victorian Tea

 Connor's Monet inspired painting.

Sarah's Monet inspired watercolor of a Jackson scene.

Next guessed it.......1900's!

Birthdays and Promotion Night

June is always a busy month!  

We start with Paul's birthday.
(Livi is dressed as a cowboy, fairy, bunny, ladybug-riding, princess!)

Next, its Promotion Night.
Before the big night, still at home.

Sarah promoting to the 9th grade!

Connor will be a senior next year!

Linda and Tim graduating Shealee!

Then Christopher's birthday.
Our baby boy is 21!  Celebrating with sushi.

Father's Day and our Anniversary are still to come........