Sunday, April 29, 2012

Here We Go Again!

It is with joy and excitement (and a bit of nervousness) we are happy to announce that we are beginning the paperwork to adopt another little girl from China!  

We don't know who she is yet, or how old she is, or when we will go to China.  We do know that the Lord God Almighty has called us to the journey even though we are old, don't have the money to do this, have a small house, the list goes on......  

So, we are going to be selling everything that isn't nailed down.  And we won't be going on a vacation anytime soon.  And trusting that the Lord will equip us to do what He has called us to do.

We are trading those things for the joys of having another little smiling face sitting around the table with us.  Another sweet someone to hold and love on.  
Oh man, can't wait!  

join us as we say,
"Always be full of joy in the Lord.  I say it again -- rejoice!!"
Phil 4:4
We are indeed full of joy and rejoicing.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spring Soiree

Each year our school has a formal dinner-dance for the upper class men.  The seniors are allowed to invite a guest.  Connor invited Sarah.  They had a super time!

Aren't they lovely?

With cousin Teagan

Tyler, Myles, and Connor

Sarah and Liesel

Another "Catch Up" Post

Seems like the months just fly by!  Before I know it, I am behind with pictures again.  At least with technology, the pictures aren't just getting stuffed in boxes.

Connor turned 17 in January.

Annual Valentine's Day celebration at park day.

Confirmation Sunday!  Sarah sang the during the Offering accompanied by Connor.

Confirmands with teachers and Pastor.

Celebrating with Grandma, Grandpa, and Nana.

Connor and Sarah finished up the Mock Trial season.  Connor was the arresting detective for the prosecution.  Sarah was the defendant -- charged with murdering her childhood friend to save her $20 million trust fund.  Their team placed 4th in the county competition.  

Trip to Sacramento to watch the Mock Trial State Finals.

Girls JV basketball season wrapped up, too.  Sarah had a great season and liked having Dad coach the team.